Puppy Buyer Application

    Please fill in as accurately as possible

    First Name:

    Last Name:





    Postal Code:


    Phone Number:

    How did you hear about us?
    Internet SearchAdvertisementFriendOther

    If Other please specify:

    What is your occupation?:

    What is your household income?:

    What is your age?:

    If over 65, do you have a plan in place for the care of your dog in the event of your death?

    Are there any children in your household? If yes, how many and ages and what experience have they had with pets?

    What type of home do you live in?

    Do you own or rent OwnRent

    If you rent, do you have permission from the landlord to have this dog? YesNo


    Do you have a fenced yard or a secure play area where a puppy will be safe from injury or loss? YesNo

    Which Breed are you interested in adopting?

    What Sex are you looking for?:

    MaleFemaleDoesn't matter

    Other Particular Characteristics you are looking for such as color, etc:

    What age of dog are you looking for?

    What are you hoping to do with your dog? (choose all that apply)

    Quality PetConfirmation ShowsObedience ShowsAgility ShowsOther

    If Other please specify:

    Why are you interested in this breed? What do you know about this breed? Have you had any experience with this breed?

    Do you Currently have other pets? If yes, please describe them.

    Have you had pets before? (What type?) & (Some history?)

    Do you have adequate time in the evening and on weekends to spend with pet(s)? What do you enjoy doing with your pet?

    Are the other members of your household prepared to offer the time that a puppy requires to become a loving member of your family?

    How much time will your dog spend alone?

    Where will you keep your dog during the daytime and at night?

    Do you own a crate? YesNo

    Are you willing to crate your dog for short periods of time? YesNo

    Do you travel frequently for work and/or for pleasure? YesNo

    What arrangements would you make for your pet(s) in your absence?

    What type of training or schooling do you have planned for your puppy?

    Do you have a Veterinarian that you feel you can trust the health of your puppy to?

    Can you provide us with one or two references, include them here or email us the details later

    Do you have any questions you would like to ask us?

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