Book Boarding Form

    Please fill in one application for each pet

    Have you ever boarded here before? YesNo

    First Name:

    Last Name:





    Postal Code:


    Home Phone Number:

    Work Phone Number:

    Cell Phone Number:

    How did you hear about us?
    Internet SearchAdvertisementFriendOther

    If Other please specify:

    Emergency Contact First Name:

    Emergency Contact Last Name:

    Contact Phone Number:

    Contact Alt Phone Number:


    Pet's Name:


    If Other please specify:



    Add any descriptors you feel are applicable ex: long-hair/miniature/etc


    Height (in):

    Weight (lbs):



    Add any descriptors you feel appropriate. Ex 3 white feet.

    Tattoo or Microchip #

    Birthdate (day/month/year)

    Put an approximate date if unknown.

    Pet Veterinary Clinic:

    Please list the Veterinary Clinics official name.

    Are there any medical conditions or allergies that we should be aware of?

    Please specify any food or relevant allergies and list medical conditions we should be aware of or state N/A if not applicable.

    Please list any medications your pet is taking - Time given and dosage

    Name the medication - the number of times per day you give it. The time of day you give it and the dosage given or state N/A if not applicable.

    Are there any other relevant details we should be aware of? Ex: Can clear 6 ft fences or stressed in thunderstorms

    List anything you think may be of importance in your pets stay or state N/A if not applicable.

    What brand and variety of food does your pet eat? Ex: Acana - Prairie Harvest:

    How many cups do you feed at each feeding and when do you feed?:

    What date do you want to drop off?

    What date do you want to pick up?

    If you have multiple pets, do you want them housed together?

    Do you have any questions you would like to ask us?

    Your reservation is not confirmed until you have received a call confirming it.

    Expect the call within 1 business day and if you have not received it in that time, please call us at 403-931-3110

    Please have your vet fax your pet's vaccination record to 403-931-3782

    Or email a copy to